奥富 正敏 (Masatoshi Okutomi)
東京工業大学 教授

Affiliation: 東京工業大学 工学院 システム制御系
Mailing address:
〒152-8550 東京都目黒区大岡山 2-12-1-S5-22
Office Location: 大岡山キャンパス 南5号館 301A号室
phone: 03-5734-3472
fax: 03-5734-3483


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I like gardening which is collaborative work with nature to create beautiful scenes. Here are some pictures from my tiny garden. Actually, it's just narrow space between my house and streets and open for public. I wish my gardening can help our town be beautiful and let people feel peaceful.

"Juneberry" is our symbol tree. Left: White blossoms together with pink cherry blossoms across the street in early April. Middle: Harvesting in May (not June in Tokyo). Right: Shining in the Autumn light.


I like to make flower arches. Left: "Potato vine" over the gate. Right: "Cornelia" over the parking lot.


I'm happy to see butterflies and bees staying here even in this metropolitan area.

Our late lovely dog whom my family will never forget.
© 2021 Yuko&Masatoshi Okutomi
