Reference camera poses for the query images of the San Francisco Landmarks dataset

This package includes reference camera poses for the query images of the San Francisco Landmarks dataset [1,2]. The reference poses computed and evaluated in our CVPR17 paper [3] are provided in two formats: reference_poses_467.txt (plain text) and reference_poses_467.mat (matlab).

We additionally include the modified version of the reference poses: reference_poses_467_ext.txt (plain text) and reference_poses_467_ext.mat (matlab). The CVPR17 version geo-registers the camera poses obtained from SfM using 7 DoF similarity transform but this modified version uses 5 DoF (direction of gravity vector is extracted from the PCI meta data) which resulted more accurate rotation estimation.

Data format description

  • reference_poses.txt (plain text)

    Each line in this file file contains query name, rotation in quaternion, and camera position in the UTM coordinates, e.g.

    0 <query name> <1x4 quaternion> <1x3 camera position>

    So the rotation matrix R of the reference pose is calculated by standard quaternion to rotation transformation and the translation vector t is calculated as t = -R * c where c is the camera position in the text file.

  • reference_poses.mat (matlab binary)

    This file contains struct array poses which has fields name and P. For example, poses(1).name returns the name of query image and poses(1).P returnes a 3x4 projection matrix of the query in the UTM coordinates.

  • reference_poses_467_ext.txt and reference_poses_467_ext.mat follow the same format as in the CVPR17 version.


[1] D. Chen, G. Baatz, K. Koeser, S. Tsai, R. Vedantham, T. Pylvanainen, K. Roimela, X. Chen, J. Bach, M. Pollefeys, B. Girod, and R. Grzeszczuk: City-scale landmark identification on mobile devices". CVPR 2011.

[2] San Francisco Landmark Dataset.

[3] T, Sattler, A. Torii, J. Sivic, M. Pollefeys, H. Taira, M. Okutomi, T. Pajdla: Are Large-Scale 3D Models Really Necessary for Accurate Visual Localization? CVPR 2017.