- 10/2018: Our paper on single-senosr RGB-NIR imaging has been accepted for IEEE Sensors Journal. [Project]
- 10/2018: We released our 59-band (420nm-1000nm) hyperspectral image dataset. [Link]
- 07/2018: We presented a paper on remote heart rate measurement at EMBC2018. [Project]
- 12/2017: Our paper on color and multispectral demosaicking has been accepted for Sensors. [Project]
- 11/2017: Our paper got IEEE signal processing society (SPS) Japan best paper award.
- 09/2017: Yusuke Monno gave a sourt course on spectral filter arrays at CIC25. [Slides]
- 06/2017: We released our 31-band (420nm-720nm) multispectral image dataset. [Link]
- 06/2017: We released our 5-band multispectral RAW image dataset. [Link]
- 12/2016: We released our 5-band multispectral image dataset and demosaicking codes. [Link]
- 06/2016: We presented a live demonstration of our prototype RGB-NIR imaging system at CVPR2016. [Project]
- 06/2016: Our prototype RGB-NIR imaging system appears in many online news. [List]
- 06/2016: We made a press release about our prototype RGB-NIR imaging system. [Link]
- 02/2016: Yusuke Monno got Seiichi Tejima Doctoral Dissertation Award for this project.
- 02/2016: We gave a talk at Rader Interferometry Group, Stanford University, USA.
- 02/2016: Yusuke Monno got Inoue Research Award for Young Scientists for this project.
- 11/2015: Our paper has been accepted for Electronic Imaging 2016. [Project]
- 11/2015: Yusuke Monno got NF Foundation R&D Encouragement Award for this project.
- 10/2015: Our paper has been accepted for CPCV2015 (in conjunction with ICCV2015). [Project]
- 10/2015: We gave a talk at Natural Phenomena Simulation Group, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada.
- 05/2015: Our paper has been accepted for IEEE Trans. on Image Processing. [Project]
- 10/2014: We gave a talk at ETIS, Universite de Cergy-Pontoise, Cergy, France.
- 10/2014: We presented one paper at ICIP2014. [Project]
- 10/2014: Page renewal.
Project Abstract
In this project, our goal is to develop a practical one-shot multispectral imaging system using a single image sensor with multispectral filter array (MSFA) and demosaicking, which significantly extends a range of computer vision and image processing applications. |
Development of prototype RGB-NIR imaging system [Project] We have developed a prototype RGB-NIR imaging system that can capture RGB and NIR images simultaneously in real time.
Development of 5-band multispectral camera prototype [Project] We built a practical one-shot 5-band camera prototype that can capture high-quality 5-band multispectral images at 30fps.
Effective multispectral-to-sRGB mapping pipeline We proposed a simple and effective multispectral-to-sRGB mapping pipeline for single-sensor multispectral imaging. [Project]
The design of a multispectral filter array and demosaicking We developed a novel multispectral filter array and a high-performance demosaicking algorithm for one-shot multispectral imaging.
Optimization of spectral sensitivity functions We optimized spectral sensitivity functions for our proposed multispectral filter array.
Spectral reflectance estimation from raw MSFA data We proposed a novel method that estimates spectral reflectance directly from raw MSFA data.
Simultaneous capturing of RGB and additional band images We proposed a novel CFA, which we call "Hybrid CFA," and demosaicking algorithm for a joint capture of RGB and additional band (for example, NIR, UV, and narrow band) images.
Remote Heart Rate Measurement from RGB-NIR Video
We proposed a novel remote heart rate measuremen method using simultaneously recorded RGB and NIR videos, which is robust to various illumination conditions. [Project]